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How to Run Product Discovery: Process, Frameworks, and Best Practices


Besides, it had weak hardware, no Google services, and $199 price. The phone wasn’t looking or working bad. Finding a market fit is a vital part of any product. So, product development can be divided into two phases: discovery and delivery. But, wrong market assumptions are what make products fail.

How To 129
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Product Managers vs. Project Managers: Difference, Responsibilities, and KPIs


Why it’s a bad practice to combine these roles in one person? Comparing the role of project manager & product manager. Project manager runs the product development. Throughout the entire development stage, this person ensures that the project goes in line with the set budget and time frames.

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Product Life Cycle: How to Extend Your Product Market Presence


If you’re deep into business and deal with product management , you are well aware that every product has its lifecycle. After the development stage itself, which always comes with great efforts for a programming team and a thoughtful product manager, every product starts its own life in a market environment.