April, 2016

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They Have To Be Monsters

Coding Horror

Since I started working on Discourse, I spend a lot of time thinking about how software can encourage and nudge people to be more empathetic online. That's why it's troubling to read articles like this one : My brother’s 32nd birthday is today. It’s an especially emotional day for his family because he’s not alive for it. He died of a heroin overdose last February.

Internet 176
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NYC subway math

Erik Bernhardsson

Apparently MTA (the company running the NYC subway) has a real-time API. My fascination for the subway takes autistic proportions and so obviously I had to analyze some of the data. The documentation is somewhat terrible, but here’s some relevant code for how to use the API: from google.transit import gtfs_realtime_pb2. import urllib. for feed_id in [ 1 , 2 , 11 ]: feed = gtfs_realtime_pb2.

Training 136

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When Working Hard Isn’t Working– A Video Interview with Dan Rockwell, Leadership Freak

Let's Grow Leaders

“It’s amazing how many times people are working…HARD.,, and when you ask them what they’re really trying to accomplish, they’re really not sure.” -Dan Rockwell, Leadership Freak, reflections on Winning Well. While out on our Winning Well Tour, David and I had an opportunity to visit with Dan Rockwell, Leadership Freak, to hear his perspective on what it means to win well.

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Embracing Stress To Lead Others Effectively

General Leadership

GeneralLeadership.com and the General Leadership Foundation bring Leadership Advice from America's Most Trusted Leaders to You! Read more at [link]. “When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.”. Peter Marshall. Avoiding stress in professional life is like achieving work-life balance or eliminating risk: it’s not possible.

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Embedding BI: Architectural Considerations and Technical Requirements

While data platforms, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and programming platforms have evolved to leverage big data and streaming data, the front-end user experience has not kept up. Holding onto old BI technology while everything else moves forward is holding back organizations. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) aren’t built for modern data platforms and don’t work on modern architectures.

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Toptal's Quick and Practical CSS Cheat Sheet


As software engineers, we’re always searching for the best tools and guides that will help us to be more productive while spending less time searching and reading long technical specifications. Today, Toptal is pleased to present an entirely new resource to the community as a free download: a CSS Cheat Sheet. Toptal's CSS Cheat Sheet is a quick CSS reference guide, and includes CSS syntax, the most important selectors, properties, sizes, and units, and other useful CSS details, all in a short, e

More Trending

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Here's The Programming Game You Never Asked For

Coding Horror

You know what's universally regarded as un-fun by most programmers? Writing assembly language code. As Steve McConnell said back in 1994 : Programmers working with high-level languages achieve better productivity and quality than those working with lower-level languages. Languages such as C++, Java, Smalltalk, and Visual Basic have been credited with improving productivity, reliability, simplicity, and comprehensibility by factors of 5 to 15 over low-level languages such as assembly and C.

Games 126
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Dollar cost averaging

Erik Bernhardsson

(I accidentally published an unfinished draft of this post a few days ago – sorry about that). There’s a lot of sources preaching the benefits of dollar cost averaging , or the practice of investing a fixed amount of money regularly. The alleged benefit is that when the price goes up, well, then your stake is worth more, but if the price goes down, then you get more shares for the same amount of money.

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4 Ways to Provide Meaningful Encouragement

Let's Grow Leaders

My guess is that right about now, you could use some encouragement. Not meaningless cheer-leading, but some well considered, well-timed, well-meaning “you’ve got this and here’s how I know…” In fact, I’d be willing to bet that the next five people you encounter could use some meaningful encouragement too. No matter how confident people appear on the outside, chances are they could use some encouragement to bolster their insides.

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21st Century Leadership requires Moral Courage

General Leadership

GeneralLeadership.com and the General Leadership Foundation bring Leadership Advice from America's Most Trusted Leaders to You! Read more at [link]. “It is curious that physical courage should be so common in the world and moral courage so rare.”. Mark Twain. I find it most interesting what inspires me to write my leadership posts. Recently on Facebook, my attention was captured by a posted short video of our President of the United States (POTUS) entering the official helicopter, Marine One, on

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Get Better Network Graphs & Save Analysts Time

Many organizations today are unlocking the power of their data by using graph databases to feed downstream analytics, enahance visualizations, and more. Yet, when different graph nodes represent the same entity, graphs get messy. Watch this essential video with Senzing CEO Jeff Jonas on how adding entity resolution to a graph database condenses network graphs to improve analytics and save your analysts time.

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Introduction To Concurrent Programming: A Beginner's Guide


Concurrency allows programs to deal with a lot of tasks at once. But writing concurrent programs isn't a particularly easy feat. Dealing with constructs such as threads and locks and avoiding issues like race conditions and deadlocks can be quite cumbersome, making concurrent programs difficult to write. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Marko Dve?

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The Number One, Got To Get it Done Job of Leadership

Terry Starbucker

The concept of execution in the business world is a multifaceted exercise, especially from the perspective of the leader. I call it “checking all the boxes” – moving the machine hour by hour, day by day, and year by year, towards its ultimate goal. Because it’s obviously important to do this, it often can overwhelm our brains and put us in a position where we operate as if our “job” is: Get Stuff Done.

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Four Times to Offer Praise During Change

Change Starts Here

Positive reinforcement, in the form of praise and recognition, is a powerful way to influence change. We all like to be acknowledged for our efforts. Receiving praise boosts our confidence. It makes us feel accepted by others. It confirms we’re moving in the right direction and removes the ambiguity that so often accompanies change. As change agents, unfortunately it’s easy to forget when it’s our turn to dole out praise.

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Dollar cost averaging

Erik Bernhardsson

(I accidentally published an unfinished draft of this post a few days ago – sorry about that). There’s a lot of sources preaching the benefits of dollar cost averaging , or the practice of investing a fixed amount of money regularly. The alleged benefit is that when the price goes up, well, then your stake is worth more, but if the price goes down, then you get more shares for the same amount of money.

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Streamlining Database Compliance with CI/CD Integration

IT leaders know the importance of compliance at every level, but the database often gets left behind as other environments are automated for robust protection. This whitepaper emphasizes the importance of robust, auditable, and secure database change management practices for safeguarding organizational compliance. Learn how automating database compliance: Mitigates risk Protects against security vulnerabilities Helps avoid regulatory penalties Aligns database workflows with app lifecycle Turns d

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The Best Damn Doer Syndrome: Why the Hardest Workers Seldom Get Promoted

Let's Grow Leaders

Are you working too hard? Does everything fall apart when you’re not around? Do you find yourself bailing out your boss, your peers, and your team? If you can answer YES to any of these questions, it’s likely you’re being held back by the “Best Damn Doer” syndrome. Be careful. I know. I’ve felt the guilt of being promoted over people working longer and harder than me.

Coaching 117
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Followership: Secret to Military Leadership

General Leadership

GeneralLeadership.com and the General Leadership Foundation bring Leadership Advice from America's Most Trusted Leaders to You! Read more at [link]. “It is the men behind who make the man ahead.”. Merle Crowell. Leadership is a continual journey through actions and growth, not merely a journey’s end for a resume. Search your favorite online bookstore for ‘leadership’ and you will find in excess of 22,000 books.

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Introduction To BEM Methodology


When building smaller websites, the way developers structure their CSS code is usually not a big issue. However, when it comes to larger, more complex projects, code organization becomes crucial. In this article, Toptal Freelance Software Engineer Tomislav Matijevi? introduces us to BEM methodology and explains how this CSS practice can massively improve code maintainability, speed up the development process, and streamline the teamwork of developers by arranging CSS classes into independent mod

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Candor With A Promise Attached: The 7 Most Important Words

Terry Starbucker

Six years ago I published a little free ebook, “ Leadership From a Glass Half-Full: The 5 Lessons You Need To Learn Before You Jump Into The Pool” It was a way for me, as I wrote at the time, to “share my hard-earned lessons with leaders of all stripes, but particularly new and emerging ones – ones looking for the kind of guidance that I didn’t get” 14, 338 downloads later (thank you!

eBook 74
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Top 5 Challenges in Designing a Data Warehouse for Multi-Tenant Analytics

Multi-tenant architecture allows software vendors to realize tremendous efficiencies by maintaining a single application stack instead of separate database instances while meeting data privacy needs. When you use a data warehouse to power your multi-tenant analytics, the proper approach is vital. Multi-tenant analytics is NOT the primary use case with traditional data warehouses, causing data security challenges.

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If You Are In Business Or Government You Need To Understand The Facebook Vision In This Video


Bob Gourley. Mark Zuckerberg walked through Facebook's 10 year plan during the keynote of the F8 conference on 12 April 2016. This roadmap is grounded in reality but very exciting. And it starts with a great articulation of Facebook's mission. Facebook is focused clearly on connecting all people and allowing anyone to share anything with anyone. If you are a decision-maker in business or government I recommend you watch the entire presentation for many reasons (businesses especially need to see

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Why organizations fail

Erik Bernhardsson

One of my favorite business hobbies is to reduce some nasty decision down to its absolute core objective, decide the most basic strategy, and then add more and more modifications as you have to confront the complexity of reality (yes I have very lame hobbies thanks I know). Software engineers want to deliver features quickly without adding too much tech debt.

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#WinningWell Managers Take Refreshing Breaks–Here’s Yours!

Let's Grow Leaders

Is life a little crazy for you right now? It sure is here! Winning Well is full-speed ahead and we’re so excited! Even in the midst of craziness though, it’s wise to take a break and we have just the thing for you. Here’s our Winning Well coloring page! Have you caught the coloring trend over these last few months? We’d love to see your work, so much so that we’ve created a contest.

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Hey Leader—What are You Fighting FOR?

General Leadership

GeneralLeadership.com and the General Leadership Foundation bring Leadership Advice from America's Most Trusted Leaders to You! Read more at [link]. “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” Mahatma Gandhi. Today as I write this my brother-in-law is in a hospital ICU fighting the fight of his life; leukemia. Now, one could say that he is fighting against cancer, but I say he is fighting for life.

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7 Pitfalls for Apache Cassandra in Production

Apache Cassandra is an open-source distributed database that boasts an architecture that delivers high scalability, near 100% availability, and powerful read-and-write performance required for many data-heavy use cases. However, many developers and administrators who are new to this NoSQL database often encounter several challenges that can impact its performance.

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Tutorial: How To Create A Custom Icon Webfont


The possibility of embedding a custom font in an HTML website revolutionized the potential of web development. Learn how to create a custom icon font that has many benefits for the user experience.

How To 81
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Interview: Implementing Change in Sub-Saharan Africa

Change Starts Here

In this episode, Glory Enyinnaya joins the show from Nigeria, where she is the Manager of the Centre for Research in Leadership and Ethics at the Lagos Business School. Listen in as she shares her research and experience about implementing change in Sub-Saharan Africa. We’ll explore the challenges of implementing change in a developing country, and how regional culture affects leadership and change management.

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Women in Cybersecurity: Reducing the Gender Gap Part I


Katie Kennedy. This post is the first in a three part series on the Women in Cybersecurity Conference. On March 31 st through April 2 nd , women from academia, government, and industry from around the globe gathered in Dallas, Texas for Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) Conference. This three-day long event was designed to both enhance the state of cyber security and to raise awareness about the importance and nature of a cybersecurity career.

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Why organizations fail

Erik Bernhardsson

One of my favorite business hobbies is to reduce some nasty decision down to its absolute core objective, decide the most basic strategy, and then add more and more modifications as you have to confront the complexity of reality (yes I have very lame hobbies thanks I know). Software engineers want to deliver features quickly without adding too much tech debt.

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Reimagined: Building Products with Generative AI

“Reimagined: Building Products with Generative AI” is an extensive guide for integrating generative AI into product strategy and careers featuring over 150 real-world examples, 30 case studies, and 20+ frameworks, and endorsed by over 20 leading AI and product executives, inventors, entrepreneurs, and researchers.

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How to Become a More Effective Manager #WinningWell

Let's Grow Leaders

As we’ve been traveling for our book tour and media interviews, David and I consistently get asked questions we imagine may be on your mind as well. So as we begin our official launch of Winning Well, we share with you why we believe this message is so vital for you and your organization. If you haven’t picked up a copy, you can get it on Amazon, in hardback or audio version.

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Credibility: Do you have it?

General Leadership

GeneralLeadership.com and the General Leadership Foundation bring Leadership Advice from America's Most Trusted Leaders to You! Read more at [link]. A lack of realism in the vision today costs credibility tomorrow. John C. Maxwell. Credibility is arguably one of the more important soft skills a leader must possess. It encompasses so many of the harder skills that if you make your credibility a priority as a leader – both up and down – you will be the most effective leader for your team.

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Gulp Under the Hood: Building a Stream-based Task Automation Tool


Streams are a powerful construct in Node.js and in I/O driven programming in general. Gulp, a tool for task automation, leverages streams in elegant ways to allow developers to enhance their build workflow. In this article, Toptal engineer Mikhail Angelov gives us some insight into how Gulp works with streams by showing us step-by-step how to build a Gulp-like build automation tool.

Tools 81