Tue.Jun 25, 2024

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Reinventing the Core Value Statement

Harvard Business Review

Companies are moving beyond traditional core value statements to embrace more resonant and distinctive expressions of their ethos. This shift reflects a desire for authenticity and alignment with strategic objectives, as seen in the adoption of alternative formats like credos, manifestos, and principles that resonate with specific stakeholder groups.

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MuleSoft unveils composability solution for gen AI


Salesforce subsidiary MuleSoft announced a new AI-powered composability solution on Tuesday aimed at helping organizations build discrete AI services that form the building blocks of more complex systems and applications. “We believe the world of AI is really the world of APIs,” said Param Kahlon, Salesforce EVP and GM of Automation and Integration.


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Xebia’s Latest GitHub Copilot Survey


Our Latest GitHub Copilot Survey We at Xebia strive to stay current with the latest advancements in AI tools to build robust and durable solutions for our clients. Many of us employ a variety of Code Assistants to speed up our software output and optimize our products. Among the most popular code assistants we use is GitHub Copilot. This tool has seen incredible growth in the past two years, and as more developers use it, we’ve become curious about its effect on software development.

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Great Resignation 3.0? Rising workload and skills gap push workers to consider job changes


A growing number of workers worldwide are considering changing employers within the next year due to rising workloads and the rapid pace of technological change, surpassing the levels seen during the “Great Resignation” of 2022, a report by PwC said. The 2024 Global Workforce Hopes & Fears Survey , conducted among over 56,000 workers in 50 countries, revealed that a surprising 28% of respondents are likely to switch employers within the next year.

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Provide Real Value in your Applications with Data and Analytics

The complexity of financial data, the need for real-time insight, and the demand for user-friendly visualizations can seem daunting when it comes to analytics - but there is an easier way. With Logi Symphony, we aim to turn these challenges into opportunities. Our platform empowers you to seamlessly integrate advanced data analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting into your applications, transforming raw data into actionable insights.

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Survey Surfaces Significant Adoption of AI Tools to Build Software


A global survey of 5,315 IT professionals that included 804 C-level executives and 1,439 security experts finds 39% of respondents reporting they work for organizations currently using artificial intelligence (AI) to build software.

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More Trending

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Funding To Autonomous Driving Startups Surprisingly Starts To Move Again

Crunchbase News

For the first four months of the year, it seemed like funding to autonomous driving startups — once a super hot sector — was slowly driving off a cliff. However, since then venture funding has kicked into another gear. Through April, less than $800 million was raised by startups in the autonomous driving industry, per Crunchbase data. However, since May 1 nearly $2.7 billion has come pouring into the sector — mainly through a handful of big deals that seem to show investor interest is not stuck

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How to get the most out of IT consultants


As enterprises continue to plan, expand, or evolve their digital transformation efforts and shifts to the cloud, many are likely relying on IT consultants or considering hiring them for help. Bringing IT consultants on board give enterprise IT leaders several advantages, not the least of which is quick access to needed expertise when it’s not available inhouse.

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Sapient.ai Automation Platform Leverages AI to Create Unit Tests


Sapient.ai today launched a testing automation platform that makes use of artificial intelligence (AI) and automatically creates unit tests as the applications are developed.

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Extensive AI use makes employees lonely, nervous


Employees suffered profound sadness and isolation shortly after routine tasks were automated by AI, according to a study published in The Harvard Business Review. “Interactions with AI made them more efficient and capable of doing much more work, but at the same time left them feeling lonely, which resulted in employees being more likely to resort to alcohol and suffer from insomnia,” the study said, adding that these were “telltale and worrying signs of social malaise and ill-being, which resea

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SaaS Evolution: The Critical Role of Embedded Finance

Speaker: Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms

Join us for an exclusive webinar hosted by Ian Hillis, SVP of Growth at Payrix and Worldpay for Platforms, where he’ll explore the significant impact of embedded finance on the software industry! This session is designed to provide you with the strategic insights needed to navigate the future of SaaS successfully, all while gaining a deeper understanding of how these trends can enhance your competitive edge, boost revenue, and deepen customer loyalty.

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Choosing Between a Structured or Conversational Interview

Harvard Business Review

It’s critical to avoid the financial burden of making a wrong hire. Two approaches to conducting interviews — structured and conversational — can yield different insights about a candidate. While structured interviews make it easier to compare candidate responses and help ensure each interviewer covers distinct areas without redundancy, they may fall short in uncovering the candidate’s communication style and adaptability to change in a real-world setting.

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Diez formas de librarse del purgatorio de los pilotos de IA


Las empresas invierten millones en iniciativas de inteligencia artificial (IA), pero se encuentran en el purgatorio de los pilotos: ciclos interminables de pruebas y ajustes sin resultados tangibles. No basta con empezar con fuerza, hay que terminar con impacto. Hay mucho en juego, pero la IA tiene el potencial de revolucionar las industrias, impulsando una eficiencia, innovación y crecimiento sin precedentes.

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JFrog Acquires Qwak to Meld MLOps and DevOps Worflows


JFrog today revealed it has acquired Qwak to add a machine learning operations (MLOps) platform to its existing portfolio of DevOps tools and platforms.

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Tendencias de contratación que van y vienen


La contracción del mercado laboral en el sector de las TI durante los dos últimos años ha influido en la forma en que las empresas abordan la contratación este 2024. Incluso cuando el temor a una posible recesión a corto plazo ha disminuido, según una encuesta reciente de PwC , muchos líderes tecnológicos buscan formas innovadoras de crecer sin contratar personal fijo.

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Deliver Mission Critical Insights in Real Time with Data & Analytics

In the fast-moving manufacturing sector, delivering mission-critical data insights to empower your end users or customers can be a challenge. Traditional BI tools can be cumbersome and difficult to integrate - but it doesn't have to be this way. Logi Symphony offers a powerful and user-friendly solution, allowing you to seamlessly embed self-service analytics, generative AI, data visualization, and pixel-perfect reporting directly into your applications.

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Broadcom Updates to VMware Portfolio Streamline DevOps Workflows


Broadcom today extended VMware Cloud Foundation (VCF) to provide templates that promise to make it simpler for DevOps teams to provide self-service catalogs to developers building applications on top of the private cloud based on an integrated compute, storage and networking platform.

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La Comunidad de Madrid e IndesIA apuestan por la IA al servicio de las empresas industriales


La Comunidad de Madrid y la Asociación para el impulso del Dato y la Inteligencia Artificial en la industria, IndesIA, han suscrito un convenio de colaboración para el desarrollo de una plataforma de inteligencia artificial (IA) destinada a las empresas industriales de la región. Así, a través de la Consejería de Digitalización del Ejecutivo regional, la herramienta facilitará a las compañías la adopción de esta tecnología, impulsando su digitalización y, por lo tanto, su competitividad y crecim

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Enhanced Cybersecurity with Real-Time Log Aggregation and Analysis


Leverage Confluent’s data streaming platform to continuously ingest, process, and analyze logs to strengthen your cybersecurity and SIEM.

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Cómo sacar el máximo partido a los consultores informáticos


A medida que las empresas continúan planificando, ampliando o evolucionando sus esfuerzos de transformación digital y sus cambios a la nube, es probable que muchas confíen en consultores de TI o consideren contratarlos para obtener ayuda. La contratación de consultores de TI ofrece a los responsables de TI de las empresas varias ventajas, entre las que destaca el acceso rápido a la experiencia necesaria cuando no está disponible en la empresa.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Cassandra

It’s no surprise that Apache Cassandra has emerged as a popular choice for organizations of all sizes seeking a powerful solution to manage their data at a scale—but with great power comes great responsibility. Due to the inherent complexity of distributed databases, this white paper will uncover the 10 rules you’ll want to know when managing Apache Cassandra.

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AI21 Labs Jamba-Instruct model is now available in Amazon Bedrock

AWS Machine Learning - AI

We are excited to announce the availability of the Jamba-Instruct large language model (LLM) in Amazon Bedrock. Jamba-Instruct is built by AI21 Labs, and most notably supports a 256,000-token context window, making it especially useful for processing large documents and complex Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) applications. What is Jamba-Instruct Jamba-Instruct is an instruction-tuned version of the Jamba base model, previously open sourced by AI21 Labs, which combines a production grade-mod

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Strengthening the ICT Foundation in the Asia-Pacific Region and Embracing the Digital Future


ICT is a key driver in Asia Pacific’s digital economy, with a strong CAGR of 13% from 2020 to 2025 , ahead of other regions. This has sparked not only lifestyle changes and new businesses, but also has impacted social welfare and daily life in Asia Pacific countries. Think of reduced unemployment rate ( the regional average stands at 3.1% in 2024 , much lower than the global rate of 5.2% ), the emergence of new types of labour (15% of Indonesia’s urban population are new types of labour, accordi

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What senior developers know


You will find a lot of articles on the web about what it takes to become a senior developer. Many of these articles focus on soft skills. They often advise staying current with technology, learning to communicate well, mentoring junior developers, and other things along those lines. These recommendations are all fine and good, but, well, let’s be honest.

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SecureIT Preview: How We Think About Event Content


An event agenda starts as a proverbial blank page. How do we fill it? Our goal is to provide a forum to discuss the most pressing issues facing security leaders, which right now includes proactive use of AI as well as defending against adversarial AI. Building smart and innovative teams as well as cultivating a cyber-conscious culture throughout the organization also rank as top priorities.

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Using Data & Analytics for Improving Healthcare Innovation and Outcomes

In the rapidly evolving healthcare industry, delivering data insights to end users or customers can be a significant challenge for product managers, product owners, and application team developers. The complexity of healthcare data, the need for real-time analytics, and the demand for user-friendly interfaces can often seem overwhelming. But with Logi Symphony, these challenges become opportunities.

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AI is in the tire-kicking phase


Just like big data back in 2013 , we’re in the “everyone’s doing it, no one knows why” phase of generative AI (genAI). A recent McKinsey survey found that 65% of enterprises are “regularly using genAI.” Promising! In Elastic’s recent earnings call, the company noted that over 1,000 customers are paying to build genAI applications. Wow! Each of the big cloud companies, as well as Oracle, has talked up how genAI is driving cloud spend.

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Capgemini se alza con la adjudicación del contrato de ‘software’ más cuantioso de Telefónica


Telefónica España mueve ficha y clausura el concurso para la renovación de la operativa, el mantenimiento y el desarrollo de sus aplicaciones. Así, según se ha hecho público en el día de hoy, Capgemini, Inetum y Minsait -división TI de Indra- han resultado adjudicatarias del megacontrato de aplicaciones de software que ha otorgado el emblema nacional de las telecomunicaciones.

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A balanced approach to AI platform selection


I’m not sure why our industry keeps falling into the trap that when a new concept emerges, there are near-immediate announcements that it runs best on one platform. Enterprises shouldn’t even think about other options. This VentureBeat article is an example, although it is more balanced than most. While many pundits present cloud computing as the only rational choice for AI, many hardware vendors declare that traditional hardware is the best option.

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Linking a unique value proposition to standard cloud systems—Dutch companies must move to the cloud at the platform level


Dutch companies have made substantial progress but are still lagging when it comes to using the cloud at the platform level. Join Ragnar van der Valk, cloud & digital partner at PwC, following the EMEA Cloud Business Survey 2023, as he discusses how large companies can keep up with newcomers in cloud adoption…and learn from the East. Unique value proposition For Van der Valk, there is a reason why Dutch companies are lagging in cloud adoption at a platform level.

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10 Rules for Managing Apache Kafka

Without proper guidance, it’s easy to miss out on Kafka’s full capabilities. While not the easiest technology to optimize, Kafka rewards those willing to explore its depths. Under the hood, it is an elegant system for stream processing, event sourcing, and data integration. Download this white paper to learn the 10 critical rules that will help you optimize your Kafka system and unlock its full potential.

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AI Chip Startup Etched Captures $120M In Hot Market

Crunchbase News

Etched.ai became the latest startup to ride the wave of investor enthusiasm for AI chips. The San Francisco-based startup locked up a $120 million round led by Positive Sum and Primary Venture Partners. The startup is the creator of the transformer-specialized AI chip Sohu, used to train and deploy large language models that are the underpinning of generative AI.

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OpenAI acquires Rockset to enhance ChatGPT real-time data processing


The ability to index, query, and analyze large amounts of data from real-time sources remains a major headache for anyone involved in building database systems. Data retrieval takes time and even that assumes that the nature of the queries lie within certain parameters. Overcoming the issue is possible but can be resource-intensive and involve complex engineering.

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Constant Change Is Rewriting the Psychological Contract with Employees

Harvard Business Review

In the face of rising dissatisfaction, leaders need to revisit their unwritten agreements with workers — and agree on a sustainable path forward.