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Let’s Playwright with.NET 6 MVC


Due to colleagues leaving the project, he has been asked to deliver a frontend, made in Dotnet 6 MVC. The world seemed simpler for him when testing was just an easy thing to do when you code SOLID in a backend environment. Mike mocks code that integrates with non-HTTP services and he uses mocking frameworks for that.

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OpenID Connect: Mocking You


In the article Let Us Playwright with.NET 6 MVC , Mike explored Playwright, a framework enabling integrated UI testing in CI pipelines. This article aims to tell how Mike resolved these issues by integrating technologies mentioned in Mocking your OpenID Connect Provider and Let Us Playwright with.NET 6 MVC.

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Using Blazor in Enterprise Applications


It uses the binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine called WebAssembly to execute.NET code in-browser. Performance : Blazor WebAssembly provides a great performance by running.NET code on browsers using WebAssembly which is one of the best options when it comes to high interactivity offline-capable applications.

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Angular vs React – Detailed comparison for Startups and Entrepreneurs


It provides cleaner and crisper coding. It offers clean code development. It gives code stability with one-directional data binding. Developers can spend more time writing modern JavaScript frameworks with minimum worry about the framework-specific code. One-way binding brings more stability to the code.

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Angular Vs. React: Which Is Better In 2022?


Both startups and enterprises prefer web solutions instead of desktop applications due to their scalability, performance, and accessibility. The main differences are that TS has optional dynamic typing, is class-based, supports OOP structure, and requires code compilation compared to JavaScript. It is a pattern of software design.

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Blazor vs Angular: A complete guide for developers in 2022


Developers may build C# code for browsers using the Blazor web framework for Microsoft’s ASP.NET Core. It provides a framework to construct dynamic, modern single-page applications (SPA) while using.NET end-to-end since both client and server code are written in C#. Let’s have a look. What is Blazor? Features of Blazor.

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What You Should Consider While Hiring An iOS App Developer in Dubai?


What coding do they use? Offshore Development Center Model: In this model, clients appoint a software development team located in another country, who can offer services at lower prices due to cheaper labor costs. It’s also important to note how their apps have been received by users, such as reviews and downloads.